VAT Online - Are You Ready?

Newsletter issue - July 2010

Compulsory online filing for VAT returns is here. The first period for which an established business with a turnover of £100,000 or more is required to submit their tax return online is the quarter ending 30 June 2010. That VAT return is due in by midnight on 31 July 2010. In fact as the VAT return is submitted online the submission date is stretched to 7 August 2010, although a VAT repayment claim must still be received by 31 July.

Businesses who always receive VAT repayments can ask to complete monthly VAT returns, in which case the first period for which they must submit their VAT return online was 30 April 2010.

Once you start to submit your VAT returns online you will no longer receive a paper form from the VAT office, or any type of paper reminder.

If you have included your email address in the information about your business in the HMRC online services page, you should receive an email reminder when your VAT return becomes due.

When you submit your VAT return online you also need to pay any VAT due electronically. One of the easiest ways to do this is by direct debit (DD), when the VATman calls the exact amount of VAT due from your account as reported on your VAT return. To allow the VAT office time to allocate your VAT return to the DD instruction, you must set up the DD instruction at least five working days before your VAT return is submitted online. Not five days before the VAT payment is due.

Please talk to us without delay if you would like us to submit your VAT returns online on your behalf.



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